Did you know that sexual assault survivors could be discharged from the hospital with limited or no essential items, such as clothes and undergarments? How could this happen? Clothing and undergarments could potentially yield DNA evidence. So, these clothing items are collected and sent to crime labs for processing. Likewise, they could be kept by the police as evidence.
Due to a lack of funding and budget cuts from the state, many hospitals and community-based programs often don’t have enough money to buy essential clothing items for survivors. There are a few donation programs available. However, when private donations dwindle and the closet shelves are bare, many nurses, program administrators, and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) purchase replacement clothing and undergarments for survivors with their own money!
We would love to fill these essential program closets and strive to provide every survivor with emergency resources, including underwear, cozy socks, and sports bras. We want all survivors to feel empowered and safe. And that starts with restoring their dignity. Help us reach our goal of collecting and donating 500+ essential items to donate to local hospitals and community-based resource groups.